8 Rooms - Reflect

8 Rooms is a collaborative project that included 8 women artists:  Anita Lebeau (animator and originator), Shirley Brown, Diana Thorneycroft, Seema Goel, Heather Komus, Suzy Smith, Barb Flemington, and Reva Stone.

We began this project by exploring the relationships between our ideas, practices, perspectives, and perceptions.  Then each artist created a “room” conceptualized as a personal exploration of dream states. Images and video of our “rooms” have become dioramic elements in an animation of the same name that was developed by Anita Lebeau. Our physical “rooms” will be shown in exhibition together with a screening of the animation. The animation will also be screened separately.

Reflect 2020, was created as my contribution to this project. I deliberately created a luminous, reflective, and dream-like chrome space in which the character alters in order to merge with, and contemplate, her surroundings. The words used in the text reflect the process of ideation that was involved in the development of this collaborative artwork. It is intended that the character enters the dream space through the front tube, blends into her surroundings, floats around the space and exits by flowing out the circular window taking some of the text with her.